Hop - Guard II Varroa Mite Control - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Hop-Guard II Varroa Mite Control


Regular price $149.99
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HopGuard II is an easy and effective natural alternative for Varroa Mite control that leaves no chemical residue and is safe on bees, but deadly on mites.

This unique miticide is derived from hop compounds and provides a safe and easy-to-use alternative to traditional harsh chemicals. A food-grade product, HopGuard II is safe for bees, safe for honey, and safe for the environment. HopGuard II promotes bee health and survivability naturally. HopGuard II is acceptable for use in Langstroth, top bar hives, mating nucs, drone mother colonies, nucleus, splits, and newly installed packages.

Hang two strips per 10-frame box for a minimum of 14 days for best results.

24 strips (12 treatments)


Varroa Mite treatments, including Hop-Guard II Varroa Mite Control are a regulated Class C Pesticide under the Pest Control Products Act and Ontario Regulation 63/09

Class C Pesticides may only be sold to individuals who possess  one of the following:

A valid copy of at least one of these licenses will be required at purchase to acquire any Class C Pesticide treatment.

Please note that our products are not connected to an inventory system and may not be available in-store.